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One Meter per Residence Rule

Dear Customer,

It has come to our attention that there are customers that are using one meter for more than one residence. This is not allowed according to TCEQ (Texas Commission on Environmental Quality). This violates the "one meter rule" requiring a separate meter for each residential unit or commercial service connection. A residential unit is a building or structure that has both bathroom and kitchen facilities. This includes:

  • Garage Apartments
  • RV’s that are being used as a separate residence
  • Tiny homes
  • Barns that have a kitchen and bathroom facilities (not attached to the home)
  • Rental cabins (Air B&B, VBRO, etc.)

For your convenience, I have attached or enclosed a Public Utility Commission of Texas publication about the one-meter rule that includes contact information for its Customer Protection Division. You may also call me with any questions about this matter.

Please be advised that we will be proactively looking for any violations and will be sending notices to turn off accounts that are in violation if it is not taken care of.

 You can bring the property into compliance with Desert WSC’s Tariff and state regulations by submitting a service application and paying the following fees:

Membership Fee:                    $100.00

Meter Installation Fee:           $1000.00

Equity Buy-In Fee:                 $6000.00

 Thank you for your cooperation,

Edgar Rountree